Friday, December 4, 2009


There's a Greek myth (I'm not sure which one) about a meek boy who wishes to grow stronger. He seeks the advice of some mentor (or sage or oracle or seer or anyone of the other myriad omniscient beings that seemed to have populated Ancient Greece) and was instructed to carry a baby calf around a barn once each day. The idea was that as the calf grows into a cow, the boy would grow into a man and gain strength through a task that intensified gradually.

This legend, though only vaguely present in my memory, sprung to the front of my mind today as I lifted Baby J out of her car seat. I tend to carry her wherever we go since it's easier than rigging up that marsupial contraption and more maneuverable than a stroller. I thought to myself that this must be a good workout and that over time, I'd grow stronger from it.

But then, as my brain mulled this half-baked comparison, I started to see a second layer, a deeper metaphor that I hadn't thought of before.

My revelation went like this: No one gets stronger by hoisting babies. Even in Greek myths. If that were the case, there'd be baby gyms all around the country where you could bench press tots until your pecs were bulging. Maybe this myth isn't really about a boy growing physically stronger by hefting cattle. Maybe it's about developing inner-strength through self-discipline, through taking responsibility for another life. After all, if the meek boy didn't take care of the calf, he'd have to carry a rotting cow carcass around. And that's just gross. He needed to feed his calf, to make sure it was warm, to make sure it was healthy, etc. How long does it take to carry a calf around a barn? Ten, twenty minutes? I bet you the meek boy spent a lot more time worrying about his cow's welfare than he did lifting it. And that, my friends, is pretty much what parenting's all about.

Baby J sleeps away 75% of each day but her presence occupies 110% of my attention. Carrying around Baby J both physically and metaphorically has helped me grow a lot stronger. It's narrowed my focus, adjusted my priorities. Sadly, my pecs are not yet bulging, but there's plenty of time for that later.

Listening To: Ruby Vroom by Soul Coughing

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