Saturday, December 19, 2009


Typically, I get up when Baby J gets up around 7:30. This is considerably later than I used to get up to go to work (5:30). For the three or four months I've been a stay at home dad, I've been getting more sleep than I did when I was working.

But with an impending snow storm and a ton of shopping left to do, I decided to get up crazy early today, get a jump on my errands. It wasn't easy getting out of bed but I rediscovered that early morning stillness I'd been missing these past few months. When everything is frozen and sleepy and the only people up are me and my skeevy neighbor who sits in his garage and smokes. Aside from him, I kinda liked it.

But, I don't think I'll be doing it again anytime soon. And I consider myself very lucky to have a baby who is such a generous sleeper. I'll wait to enjoy that morning stillness when I rejoin the workforce.

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