Thursday, July 1, 2010

Flying with Baby

In just a few days, we're flying to Florida to visit my family. Aunts, uncles, cousin, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, etc. It will be the first time we've taken the baby on a plane and we're all a flutter over how to do it.

One of my friends told me she brought a portable DVD player with her, put headphones on her little girl, and just kept her going with a steady stream of videos. I'm pretty sure this would not work for Baby J though. She has a habit of removing anything that is not tightly affixed to her body (i.e. headphones) and she does not handle personal electronics with the tender care they require.

I'm thinking we'll just mix a little bourbon into her juice and see what happens. I just hope she's not an angry drunk.

Listening To: How I Got Over by The Roots

p.s. I'm not really going to give my baby hard liquor. That was just a joke. Geez! You're so uptight!

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