Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Trained Disobedience

There are many unstable and unpleasant people in this world.

Kids need to be able to trust adults in their lives. But, at the same time, they need to be able to distinguish between who is a positive adult influence and who is not. We can't have kids blindly trusting every single adult they meet, can we?

There needs to be a level of trained disobedience in kids. They need to practice disobeying adults they don't trust. Perhaps such learned defiance would have saved many a child from being involved in the current Catholic church sex abuse scandal. I think we'd all prefer to have children who are dubious of certain adults rather than children who have fallen victim to sexual predators.

So, now that I've made the case for trained disobedience, how do I intend to get Baby J where I think she needs to be? I have no idea. Maybe she'll be like me and be naturally skeptical of authority. Who knows?


  1. Yes, the now is the true real however the true real is made from the past.

  2. What?

    Profound yet utterly confusing.


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