Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Baby J has pretty much lost all interest in the mall playland. Whenever I take her there now, she immediately leaves and heads for the mall proper. Rather than fight it, I just follow her around the mall these days.

Today, she wandered into a store called Spencer's which sells all manner of novelty nick nacks and pornographic themed paraphenalia. She waddled over to a shelf and picked up a cake mold in the shape uniquely male appedage. She then pretended to start eating food out of it as if it were one her plates from back home. It was just plain wrong on at least six distinctly differnt levels. I intervened.

It was one of the more bizarre things I've had to pry out of my daughters tiny fists but once I got the cake plate away from her she forgot all about it and wandered back out into the mall.

I liked it better when she just played in the playland.

Listening To: What's Going On by Marvin Gaye

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