Sunday, April 25, 2010

Advice - Version 2

A while back, I posted some advice for stay-at-home parents. Today, I have a few more suggestions that I'd like to share that compliment my earlier post.
  1. Sleep - I can tell you there is no sound in this world more grating and irritating than the sound of a crying child when you are tired. All babies cry. That's just a fact of nature. If you don't get the rest you need, that crying will drive you over the edge. So nap, snooze, etc. It benefits both you and the baby.
  2. Drive - Even if you don't have anywhere to go, even if you feel guilty about unnecessarily burning fossil fuels, go for a drive at least once a day if you can manage it. When your kid is in their car seat they are immobile, comfortable, safe, and generally pretty happy. There are very few situations were you can be granted this much peace of mind at a single instant.
One last note before I sign off. The aforementioned suggestions are mutually exclusive. Do not try them simultaneously.

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