Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baby Farts

Every now and then, Baby J will let loose a deep, rumbly fart. Shamelessly slow and low, these baby farts take a long time to complete. They sound almost like adult farts only funnier because they come from such a little person. Baby farts are pure comic gold.

But occasionally, Baby J will rip one in public. Usually, it's at the library where everyone is quietly focused on whatever it is they have in front of them. And in that silence, it sounds so much like the fart of a grown man that I feel the need to proclaim my innocence.

"I just want everyone to know that was the baby and not me!"

Or something to that effect. Part of me feels like I'm selling out my daughter. I feel like I should own up to that fart even though it's not mine. Defend my daughter's honor or something like that.

But, really, what is the protocol in situations like this? Do I apologize? Excuse my daughter? Just laugh? Rip one myself? Who knows?


  1. Thnanks. I try vrey hrad to ensrue a hgih lveel of qultaiy in my psots. Esceialply wehn tehy inlovve farts.


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