Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Back at Work

I spent sometime back at work yesterday giving a few curious folks a tour of the school where I will/used to work. Baby J came too, of course.

Aside from having to hand a constant stream of Cheerios to my cantankerous kiddie while I did the tour, it felt very strange to be back in the building where I will/used to work. I felt very much like an interloper, like I was screwing things up simply by being there. Everyone seemed happy to see me and the baby and to see I was spreading the word about our school one mini-tour at a time. Maybe any unwelcoming vibes I perceived were just a product of my over-active imagination. But still I couldn't shake the feeling that my presence was a bit of an intrusion.

It's like when you break up with someone and then run into them a few months later. Awkward and uncomfortable. There are smiles and pleasantries over a subtext of unease.

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