Monday, January 11, 2010

Relate to Other Kids

Baby J doesn't get to watch t.v. When she comes in the room, the t.v. goes off. It's just something we do at our house. There's other idiosyncratic things like this we do as parents. Sometimes, I wonder if these elements of our parenting style will ever grow to affect how Baby J relates to other kids. How much of the stuff parents do to protect and nurture their kids is actually beneficial and how much of it creates a rift in their social development? Home schooling, for example. Does it stunt kids' social growth in the name of academics?

Either way, kids are pretty resilient. I suspect most kids overcome the crazy stuff their parents make them do. As long as they have love, food, safety, and a few other basic biological necessities taken care of, they'll probably turn out okay. At least, I hope that's how it works.

Check back with me when Baby J is Adult J and we'll reassess.

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