Saturday, January 23, 2010

Crib Recalls

Is it me or have there been an inordinately large number of crib recalls in the past year? It seems like since Baby J was born there have been five or six. That's millions of cribs in a single year.

I can't think of anything more frightening than the possibility of a lethal crib. Even the idea of the possibility is enough to make you lose your mind. I'm losing my mind just writing about the idea of the possibility!

The good news for Baby J and for me and my sanity is that the crib we have hasn't been recalled....yet. Props to my wife for doing the whole nesting/researching thing so well. Good choice, hon!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go peek in on my sleeping child for the five bajillionth time. It's been over five minutes since the last check and I'm feeling like I need some reassurance.

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