Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bug Meets Baby

Baby J was taking a bottle this afternoon just before her naptime. A warm breeze was coming into the nursery, lifting the curtains and then placing them down without so much as a whisper. It was placid, idyllic. But then. the calm was shattered suddenly when a gnat flew down, landed under Baby J's nose, and crawled into her right nostril.

I've heard of the proverbial bee in the proverbial bonnet but never the proverbial gnat in the proverbial nose. I grabbed a bulb syringe and plumbed my daughters nasal passages. She wasn't upset at all, just seemed a little confused why I was picking her nose before a nap.

I never did get the bug out. I didn't see it fly out the other side or anything either. He's probably still in there somewhere. I can only guess where.

I called the doctor's office. They weren't concerned. My wife came home, thought it was really funny. Haven't these people ever seen the fly?! Next thing you know Baby J's going to turn into some freaking Jeff Goldbloom monster and start spitting up all over everything.

Actually, she already spits up all over everything so I guess things won't really change that much.

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